Download pdfcreator 0.9.7
Download pdfcreator 0.9.7

* input issue in Firefox 3 affecting special characters Net framework was broken in RC 1 now should work correctly * fixed Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 not working with RC 1 Many thanks for keeping kernelex alive and kicking, it's a must-have for any win98 user these days Edited Maby rustweaver I would also like to add that Punkbuster (pbsvc.exe) is crashing in both kernelex 3.6a and 4.0rc1 (and probalby in earlier versions too), disabling KernelEx for pbsvc.exe solves the problem. I took that single character as an example but the problem affects all special characters from my locale (latin2) With KernelEx 3.6a it works perfectly (it can be both typed in and pasted in without glitches): It seems that only webpage rendering is affected as i can type that same character in firefox address bar and search bar without any problems. I tried to play with character encoding in firefox but to no avail, it only affected static text on page but had no effect on text in editboxes. I can paste character normally (from notepad for example), and it shows up alright in firefox, but when i try to type it in i get this missing character glyph. There is also a strange problem regarding fonts in webpage editboxes, for example google: This is how it should look like (with KernelEx 3.6a): This is how it looks like (with KernelEx 4.0rc1): It looks like it messed up fading effect that gecko uses, but i'm not an expert and a picture is worth a thousand words: In fact, not using it is actually a much more streamlined process and makes the tool even more attractive.Here are some glitches with Firefox 3.0.7 while using KernelEx 4.0 rc1 on Windows 98 SE The printer integration method, however, can be a bit confusing, and users can opt out of selecting such an option. With its simple interface and seamless conversion methods, PDFCreator is a useful conversion tool that can produce high-quality PDF outputs quickly. The tool also secures PDF files, allowing users to password protect those documents and add watermarks and stamps for added security. It can also be used to send PDF files to others quickly via email.

download pdfcreator 0.9.7

PDFCreator can combine multiple documents into one document once converted. Upon choosing Print, PDFCreator will open a dialog box where users can customize the output PDF’s details. Regardless of the method, users must choose PDFCreator as its default printer. Users can also create PDFs directly from another app in use as long as that app supports Windows printers. Another simple option is to right-click the file in the explorer window and choose “Convert with PDFCreator”. The easiest way is to drag and drop the files onto the program interface. There are several ways to convert files to PDF using the PDFCreator.

Download pdfcreator 0.9.7